To the swift – Are you ready to take advantage of opportunities?

Conventional wisdom would have you believe today’s volatile economic conditions are suboptimal for major expansion. The volatility will likely continue for months or even years to come; better to wait until things calm down before committing to serious financial obligations, right?

Not necessarily. Interest rates are hovering at historic lows while economic growth has been, and remains, strong. If you have the ability to move nimbly, this might actually be an ideal time to make a bold move you’ve been putting off. Under these conditions, you might want to:

  • Build up inventory. Inflation hasn’t seriously kicked in, and you can lock-in sweet pricing now, as a hedge. It’s a smart strategy if you have your eye on expanding into new markets.
  • Seize an opportunity. Capital is plentiful, and rates are low. It’s a great time to act on growth plans you’ve wanted to realize or beef up sales staff.
  • Pump up your marketing budget. You could be leapfrogging over competitors and growing your business in untapped markets.

With conditions this unpredictable, success becomes more achievable if you can act quickly and decisively to nail down the funding you need. That won’t happen if you plan to borrow from a traditional funding source. Most require too much time, patience, energy and upfront capital to be of much use if you’re looking to move swiftly––which leaves a variety of non-traditional sources, which entail issues of their own.

You could, theoretically, try crowdfunding (too time-consuming, uncertain and cumbersome), or apply for a grant (unlikely, and notoriously difficult to obtain), or romance a private investor (multiple hoops, high failure rate). Other solutions, like a cash advance on your business credit card, are even less appetizing because of the huge expense involved—plus it constrains your ability to manage cash flow. You just want expansion capital now, at favorable terms that won’t pinch.

If you want to move quickly, with minimal disruption, consider Expansion Capital Group. We’re built for flexibility and speed—specifically for small businesses in growth mode. You can secure between $5,000 and $500,000 with minimal paperwork, a fast decision, and funding typically within one business day after approval. With micro-increment automatic daily payments, you can preserve your credit rating and cash flow while reducing your servicing cost.

Our process is simple. Tell us about your business—online or by phone, in just minutes. We’ll get back to you with a quote within one business day to start the approval process. And we’ll wire your funds directly to you within one business day of approval. Plus you’ll have a dedicated business manager to rely on every step of the way.

Call (877) 204-9203 or visit to get started.